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Temple Buddhist Center is a community of practitioner's working together to cultivate mindfulness and compassion.
The Northern Flyer Alliance is a group of 49 cities, 6 counties and 19 Chambers of Commerce from KC to Fort Worth promoting passenger rail in Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas.
The Missouri Green Party is dedicated to getting money out of politics so as to put People, Planet, and Peace Over Profit.
Cultivate KC is a locally-grown nonprofit working to grow food, farms, and community in support of an equitable, sustainable and healthy local food system for all.
CCL is an international, non-partisan, non-profit organization, volunteer driven, organization with 200,000+ U.S. members. We work towards national and local legislative and free-market solutions to climate change.
A nonprofit regional collaborative bringing elected officials and community leaders together to reduce emissions, invigorate the economy, promote public health and improve quality of life across Kansas City.
MEC is dedicated to creating resource efficiency, environmental health, and economic vitality in the Kansas City region; spreading awareness and training the next generation to make using clean energy commonplace.
Missouri Coalition for the Environment (MCE) is Missouri’s independent, citizens’ environmental organization for clean water, clean air, clean energy, and a healthy environment.