Help Us Create Neighborhood Revenue Generators!

MY REGION WINS! (MRW!) Kansas City’s creative nonprofit organization is encouraging the city to make Prospect Ave a ‘Neighborhood Revenue Generator’ (NRG) for the neighborhoods in the 10 disparity zip codes (64126, 64106, 64126, 64127, 64128, 64130, 64132, 64124, 64147, 64109).

How You Can Help

Please join us at an upcoming meeting either in-person or virtually via Zoom. In-Person Meeting is Thursday, July 11th from 6:00-8:00pm at Bruce R. Watkins Cultural Center 3700 Blue Parkway, Kansas City, MO 64130. Virtually on Thursday, July 11th from 6:00-8:00pm at Zoom Link for the July 11th Meeting.


  • Water catchments to be incorporated in all new development. Also, encourage current residents to install watch catchments.
    • Collecting stormwater will help address stormwater runoff that causes flooding. The collected stormwater can be reused to water the native plants and trees along Prospect.
      • Possibly selling stormwater to Kansas and distilled for other purposes. This is one way revenue will be generated. 
  • Native grasses and plants replace the traditional grasses. Making Prospect the first major street not to need gas-powered lawn equipment.
    • MY REGION WINS! would like the contract to plant and water the native plants. We will water the trees after they have been properly planted.
  • Every Max bus stop on Prospect corridor has an influence of the Arts, nature, and the neighborhood that it is in.
  • Selected Land Bank, Housing Authority, and Homesteading properties be identified to turn into BOON AREAS (contemporary community gardens), BOON HOUSES (contemporary home gardens), and BOON DISTRICTS (contemporary outdoor destinations). The purpose is to generate revenue for the neighborhoods in the 10 disparity zip codes. These neighborhoods could then begin to fund their own programs and projects. For example, a governance program that compensates neighborhood residents who take on roles (President, VP, Secretary, Treasure, Block Coordinator, Youth Director, and so on). The ultimate goal is to stipend every household in these neighborhoods from the revenue generated.
    • Alaska stipends their residents from oil revenue (See APFC). Oil is a natural resource. We have two natural resources, stormwater and land.

Help us make history! This is a model for what we can do in Kansas City and beyond. Show up to support this action with your friends on July 11th.

Thank you for what you do, continue to be great, & may great fortune continue coming your way yes, Carl Stafford, Founder/Visionary of MY REGION WINS! Kansas City’s Creative (501-c3) nonprofit organization. 816 714 4467 or