There are four key ingredients to the disastrous wildfire seasons in the West, and climate change figures prominently. More than…
Infrastructure usually involves large investments in assets that are designed to operate over the long term. To date, the design…
Saturday is Earth Overshoot Day, the date when humanity will have used “all the biological resources that Earth can renew during…
Temperatures in Death Valley skyrocketed to a blistering 130 degrees on Sunday — possibly the highest mercury reading on Earth…
Even if the climate cools, study finds, glaciers will continue to shrink.Nearly 40 years of satellite data from Greenland shows…
Climate change — already wreaking havoc with one degree Celsius of warming — is also emerging as a driver of…
The Trump administration formally weakened a major climate-change regulation on Thursday — effectively freeing oil and gas companies from the need…
The past decade was the hottest ever recorded globally, with 2019 either the second or third warmest year on record,…
Use of coal is falling and renewables are surging around the world, but the progress is not enough to meet the targets set under…
Commemorating International Youth Day, top UN officials have called on leaders around the world to “do everything possible” to enable young…