Workshop to Mitigate Stress for Environmental Activists

If there was a way to make changes to your activism so it feels good, uplifting, and joyful, wouldn’t that be a great way to live? You are invited to The Four Steps for a Resilient Life program on July 17, 2023 from 6:30-7:30pm CST. Via Zoom, The Resilient Activist offers this empowering journey to cultivate resilience, optimism, and hope in the face of the climate crisis. This event is free but has a suggested $20 (or pay what you can) donation.
Register for this essential life skill workshop HERE.

Through this program, you will learn how to practice embodied activism and access support through community-building and deep nature connection strategies.The point is NOT to add more activities that increase your stress but to shift your focus to increase those actions that feel good or are easy to do and to reduce, reframe, or release/remove activities that make you feel weighed down and distraught.

So how can you rationalize actually letting go of a cause or community you’ve been passionate about, invested time, energy, and finances in, or have made close friends and allies with?

In the past couple of years, Sami Aaron has met activists who had been completely immersed in political activism yet were so burned out they switched their focus to the environment. And I’ve met environmental activists who decided that carrying their grief about environmental destruction was too heavy a burden and shifted their activism to the political arena. Take my word for it, you CAN step away from any particular activity and release any guilt you may feel – or that others may try to heap on you.

Learn these four steps to help you reimagine what is yours to do and how you can accomplish your deepest passion in ways that bring you joy, a sense of well-being, and the heartfelt knowledge that you are contributing in a most vital way to the long-term resilience of Earth.

A suggested donation of $20 is appreciated. Register for The Four Steps for a Resilient Life program on July 17, 2023 from 6:30-7:30pm CST. Via Zoom, an essential life skill workshop HERE.