Volunteer at Boon Area 1

Head on over to Noble’s Boon Area 1 on Friday June 28 from 5:30-7:30pm. Head on over to Noble’s Boon Area 1 on Friday June 28 from 5:30-7:30pm. Learn about creating a Boon Area in your neighborhood and much more!

Noble’s Boon Area 1 is an environmental, nature-based, interactive, functional art installation that acts as a contemporary community garden  and Neighborhood Revenue Generator (NRG) located at 3400 E 72nd St. KCMO. 64132.

The Goal

The goalis to demonstrate and display better environmental and social practices, and generate enough revenue to support Noble Neighborhood in becoming self-sustaining by providing funds to the neighborhood to:

  • Fund neighborhood programs and projects.
  • Compensate residents who take on roles within the neighborhood, (President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Youth Director, Block Coordinator and so on. There are over 40 Officer Titles that can be held within a neighborhood. 
  • Ultimately to stipend every household in Noble neighborhood from the revenue generated at BOON AREA 1 is the vision.

We are just getting started.