
ProspectUS is a community-based process to prepare an equitable and transit-oriented investment strategy along the Prospect MAX route (a 10-mile rapid transit line from 75th street north to 12th Street in downtown Kansas City, MO). The first and second round of meetings provided our team great insight about the existing challenges and opportunities facing the Prospect corridor community, and discussion about strategies to advance community goals. Upcoming meetings are about translating your ideas and feedback into reality, and will be structured around three sub-topics: Neighborhoods & Housing, Funding & Financing, and Public Space Improvements.

For the last year in a half, MY REGION WINS! has been attending the ProspectUS meetings.

  • Please review this document to see what we are asking to do along Prospect.
  • Please identify where and how your organization is willing to get involved, whether that is championing our vision or establishing your organization’s needed presence on Prospect. 
  • Asking for a letter of support backing our vision for Prospect and the 3rd and 5th Districts be emailed to:

It’s a small world, 2° of separation we all know each other, it’s not what we know but who we know; and what we know of how to address oppression, poverty, environmental, and social injustices is not rocket science. Therefore, it’s a matter of ‘who’ and not ‘what’ that is keeping these initial atrocities thriving today. Organizations like ours are missing from this project and are not being aggressively sought after. This is our opportunity to show the collective strength and value we have. 

Please feel free to reach out to me: Carl Stafford, Founder/Visionary phone: 816 714 4467. email: [email protected]