Biomimicry: A Living Chandelier

Julian Melchiorri’s startup, Arborea, is looking to make sustainable food production the primary choice. Today, we are going to look at one of his projects: Exhale

Exhale is a bionic chandelier that shows how biotechnology can improve things in our day-to-day lives. It consists of various sizes of glass leaves that hold microscopic green algae. This algae absorbs carbon dioxide and releases oxygen through photosynthesis, and is fueled by daylight and the light from the chandelier itself. It is also kept alive by a support device designed by engineers at Arborea. 

Exhale is an example of a design process called biomimicry, which looks to nature for inspiration for artificial solutions. The algae grows everyday, and creates a symbiotic relationship with people through the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide. 

Melchiorri’s designs show how following nature can improve our lives and inspire innovation.  

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