Martin Luther King, Jr. Pedestrian Bridge – Design Concept Preference

Kansas City, MO officials have announced that voting is open for the design of a new walking bridge to honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Brush Creek is a barrier to direct community access to MLK Park. Community advocates called for improvements and Congressman Cleaver II secured $2.8M in federal funds to build/construct a pedestrian bridge over Brush Creek. The bridge is set to cross Emanuel Cleaver Blvd. and Woodland Ave. as it extends across Brush Creek to take pedestrians to MLK Square Park.

Members of the Martin Luther King Jr. pedestrian bridge design team say they are set to show off their initial concepts to the community as they hear input from those in the area. The team indicated that the new pedestrian bridge is set to connect Emanuel Cleaver Blvd. to MLK Park to keep pedestrians much safer. The park is home to a playground built by Patrick Mahomes for children in the area.

MY REGION WINS Requests Leadership in this project

MY REGION WINS! (MRW) is requesting to be the local, grassroots, minority-led, nonprofit organization as a part of this project. With the mission of “Using the Arts to nurture creative and undeveloped ideas that shape society,”  

Water Conservation

MY REGION WINS believe that Concept 2-Alt and 3-Alt, incorporate the ability for the bridge to collect storm water (by making the arches V or U shaped). The water collected would be stored under the bridge in a water tank. This storm water can be used to water the native plants installed.

Include Nature

MY REGION WINS! would like to be contracted to maintain the grounds. In our landscape design, the ends of the bridge will have gardens with native plants, a sitting area and a kiosk.

Sustainable Energy

We suggest the addition of solar panels, wind turbines, to the bridge. These would provide power for charging stations we suggest be installed at both ends of the bridge.  


We would install a Bike share station on the north side of Brush Creek. 

MY REGION WINS would include these elements in the design of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Pedestrian Bridge. This would fulfill our mission of adding a large influence of the Arts, Nature and Neighborhoods which will have a greater positive impact on this region.

Kansas City residents can now vote on the new design of a bridge to shuttle pedestrians to a popular park. Voting began on Friday, May 3, following design reveals at a Thursday night meeting. Voters can choose from one of four renderings.


To vote for the Martin Luther King Jr. pedestrian bridge design you prefer use this link:

For more information from the design team about the Martin Luther King, Jr. Pedestrian Bridge, contact Schylon Parson at [email protected].