The Sewing Labs Needs Volunteers For Gala Event

The Sewing Labs is gearing up for their annual fundraising Gala event, Needle & Thread at Delta Athenaeum and DEED Foundation, 900 E Linwood Blvd, Kansas City, MO 64109, USA. They need volunteers to help!

The Needle and Thread Gala is a celebration of individuals using their creative passion to shape both their livelihoods and lives. The Gala is an evening of cocktails and music, followed by a dinner buffet. There is a Silent Auction, where you can bid on a diverse array of items and activities. The silent auction runs from August 1st through August 16th, closing at 8 pm on the evening of our event.

The Sewing Labs welcomes volunteers for all aspects of this event from set-up, to serving attendees, silent auction support, and clean-up. All volunteers will receive a complementary ticket to the Gala Event.

If you are interested, please contact email

[email protected] or [email protected] 

They also need volunteers for their Fabric Grab coming up on September 14th, from 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM in the gym above The Sewing Labs.