On Giving Tuesday, Make A Huge Gift To the Planet

Giving Tuesday

As new administrations around the world turn away from governmental climate policy, it becomes ever more important to support grass-roots climate actions. We ask you to consider our non-profit partners on Giving Tuesday (or any day). Supporting our climate partners is a gift to the Earth and all its inhabitants. Check out our non-profit partners’ websites below and make a donation.

And please consider a tax-deductible donation to the Climate Council. Donating to the Council is a donation to all of our climate partners.

DONATE to the Climate Council

Non-Profit PartnerWebsiteDonation Link
All of Us, Inc.https://www.12habits4allofus.org/ DONATE
Clement Watershttp://clementwaters.org/DONATE
Climate Action KChttps://climateandenergy.org/DONATE
Cultivate KChttps://www.cultivatekc.org/DONATE
Deep Rootshttps://deeproots.org/DONATE
Food For The Curehttps://www.FoodfortheCure.orgDONATE
The Giving Grovehttps://www.givinggrove.orgDONATE
Greater Kansas City Interfaith Councilhttps://www.kcinterfaith.org/DONATE
Heartland Conservation Alliancehttps://www.heartlandconservationalliance.org/ DONATE
Heartland Renewable Energy Societyhttps://heartlandrenewable.org/ DONATE
Magpie Creative Reuse Collectivehttps://magpiecreativereuse.org/DONATE
Metropolitan Energy Centerhttps://metroenergy.org/DONATE
Missouri Coalition for the Environmenthttps://moenvironment.org/DONATE
Missouri Green Partyhttps://www.missourigreenparty.org/DONATE
My Region Winshttps://www.myregionwins.org/DONATE
Platte Land Trusthttps://plattelandtrust.org/DONATE
Renew Missouri Advocateshttps://renewmo.org/DONATE
The Carbon Almanachttp://www.carbonalmanac.org/DONATE
The Resilient Activisttheresilientactivist.orgDONATE
The Sewing Labshttps://thesewinglabs.org/DONATE