Make It Your One Thing: Trashercize!

In her book How to Save the World for Free, author Natalie Fée offers practical, everyday solutions for protecting our world. This book, filled with simple changes we can all make, provides research about the environmental problems we face today while empowering readers to act. One of our favorites? TRASHERCIZING!


This one is simple! Planning a walk, jog, or hike? Pick up trash alone the way. This keeps our world beautiful and pollution free! A report conducted by the nonprofit Keep America Beautiful in 2021 reports that there are nearly 50 billion pieces of litter along roadways and waterways in the United States. That translates to 152 items of litter per U.S. resident and roughly 2,000 pieces of litter per mile. The most littered items include cigarette butts and plastic food-packaging such as candy wrappers and snack bags. This litter, particularly plastics, leak greenhouse gases into the atmosphere and take hundreds of years to break down. These greenhouse gases contribute to the climate crisis.

By agreeing to trashercize, we CAN make an impact on this enormous problem so grab a bag, plan some outdoor exercise, and get started!