Historic Legal Action In Montana: Youth Argue for Clean Environment

A group of young people from Montana joined together in 2020 and launched a case against their state government.

In Held et al vs State of Montana, the 16 plaintiffs argued that “by supporting a fossil fuel-driven energy system, which is contributing to the climate crisis, Montana is violating their constitutional rights to a clean and healthful environment; to seek safety, health, and happiness; and to individual dignity and equal protection of the law. The youth plaintiffs also argue that the state’s fossil fuel energy system is degrading and depleting Montana’s constitutionally protected public trust resources, including the atmosphere, rivers and lakes, and fish and wildlife.”

The case was heard over 7 days in June 2023. Judge Kathy Seeley delivered her historic ruling in August 2023, finding in favor of the plaintiffs. 

The case is currently in front of Montana’s Supreme Court where oral arguments were held on July 10th. Keep up to date here

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