Glasgow COP26: Highlights And Images Of Main Proceedings For 6 November 2021

An estimated 150,000 people marched through the streets of Glasgow for climate action, leaving the hallways of the venue emptier than earlier in the week. This was especially so with negotiators tucked away in rooms trying to resolve outstanding issues before the closing plenaries of the subsidiary bodies later in the evening and advance work on finance issues, which will continue through the second week.

Highlights included:

  • Negotiations on finance
  • The Subsidiary Bodies’ closing plenaries
  • Events to celebrate “Nature Day” at the COP

Throughout the day, finance negotiations continued. The day heard several calls from developing countries for climate finance to be of better quality and quantity. The goal of mobilizing USD 100 billion per year by 2020 has not yet been met, and some developing countries stressed that climate finance cannot be in the form of loans that increase the debt burdens of poor and vulnerable countries, particularly given the pandemic. 

Issues have been forwarded to the second week of the conference for further negotiations. These issues included:

  • Article 6 (cooperative approaches);
  • Transparency;
  • Loss and damage;
  • Response measures;
  • Adaptation; and
  • Common time frames for nationally determined contributions (NDCs).

This leaves a lengthy list of issues to address in the week ahead. 

By IISD. Earth Negotiations Bulletin. November 6, 2021.

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Read IISD Report of main proceedings for 6 November 2021 here: