EF20 Online Recordings & Interviews now available on Youtube

The Climate Council has launched a new Youtube channel featuring EF20 Online recordings, Partner Interviews, and other educational climate videos. This new channel will be a powerful tool in promoting climate education and action. You can look forward to a wide range of informative films & videos from CCGKC partners and climate activists throughout the world.

As our communities face ongoing pandemic restraints, online activities become increasingly important ways to keep us engaged and working together on the climate crisis. The Climate Council’s new ongoing Sustainable Living webinar series is one example. This Youtube channel is another.

For CCGKC partners, this channel provides an effective way to educate and update a large, engaged audience. For viewers, the channel provides a centralized repository of climate knowledge, how-tos, news, and actions from a wide variety of climate groups and activists; plus the ability to engage each other and the activists with comments, questions and community discussion.

As with any new Youtube channel, we must build a subscriber base before they will let us name the channel. Subscriptions are free and tell Youtube that we’re serious about building a community to fight global warming. Please encourage your friends to subscribe so we can name our Youtube channel and make its important climate content more visible. For now, you can reach the channel by clicking the button below, or by clicking the Youtube Icon at the bottom of any ClimateGKC.org web page.

Streaming video is an increasingly important way to engage an ever increasing audience; and a powerful tool to help reverse global warming. Please help our new streaming channel grow.

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