With Clock Ticking, Sustainable Transport Key To Global Goals

From electric cars and buses to zero-carbon producing energy sources, new and emerging technologies along with innovative policy changes, are critical for combating climate change. But to be effective, they must ensure that transport strategies benefit everyone, including the poorest, according to a new UN multi-agency report launched on Tuesday. The “clock is ticking on our 2030 timeline” to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris Climate Change Agreement, the head of the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), Liu Zhenmin, said in the foreword of Sustainable Transport, Sustainable Development. In preparation for the second Global Sustainable Transport Conference, kicking off on Thursday in the Chinese capital of Beijing and online, the new report charts a forward course to an integrated, sustainable approach towards making cities safe and resilient, as outlined in SDG 11.

By UN News. October 12, 2021.

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