Unpacking The Plastics Pandemic

Bob Grove will be delivering information about plastics to those who enroll in the Missouri Green Party State Convention. This workshop is free of charge and open to all. Here is the link to the convention which is being held on Saturday, June 10, 2023.

Register for the Convention!


10:00 – 11:00 Unpacking The Plastics Pandemic with Bob Grove

One moment we’re revolutionizing the future and the next we’re swimming in a forever land of nondegradable microplastics and the cornucopia of toxic forever chemicals used to make them.  It’s on the ground and in our oceans.  It’s in the air, in our food and in our water.  It’s in our guts, lungs, and blood streams.  It’s in placentas and breast milk.  You breath it.  You drink it.  You eat it and you wear it.  Bob Grove, activist and author of “Grove’s FIELD GUIDE to Climate Change” will help you unpack the plastics pandemic.