It’s finally tree planting season! We must continue to plant trees in our landscapes for the myriad of benefits they provide to the entire land community. 

While trees are beautiful, they aren’t just decorations – they benefit human health. Kansas City may face record-high heats in years to come. We must plant trees today so they can become established before then. Their shade will cool us and reduce emissions. Aside from shade, certain trees provide food and habitat for native wildlife (oftentimes humans too) and reduce storm water runoff. We must select trees with this in mind.

Although cities are working hard to plant on public property, more than 90% of Missouri land is private property which means residents have more space to sustain tree coverage. Even if there are already large trees on property, landowners can plant understory species or plant to replace mature trees when they decline.

Successfully using trees to protect environment, wildlife, and human health depends first on proper selection. Native trees have been living and evolving here with other ecosystem species for hundreds of years and should be a priority. Read handy tips for selecting and planting trees in KC along with where to purchase hardy planting stock HERE.

Free Trees: We plant city street trees when nearby residents agree to help water the tree(s) planted near their property. These trees are between 6-10 feet tall at time of planting, are worth around $450 each, and residents help select species. Sign up now: