Join Magpie Creative Reuse Collective and Rosedale Development Association for a Lantern Maker night, in preparation for the annual RDA…
Join us for this fun event @ The Sewing Labs. At the Fabric Grab we will offer FREE fabric as…
Karen Sullivan’s tunic is made from a tablecloth, but you would never know it. The white cotton material, intricately crocheted into circles and patterns, has been sewn into a wearable…
Most unwanted clothing ends up in landfill rather than being recycled into other garments. Perhaps when we are finished with…
Repurposing, recycling, and upcycling are some of the founding principles of The Sewing Labs. Accepting donations of sewing machinery and…
The expectation that children should get new clothing each fall isn’t reasonable for a lot of parents. Between stagnant wages…
We need volunteers for our Un-Dumpster Day and Earth Day Festival. We welcome teens looking for community service hours, corporate…