On Earth Day, Scientists Tell Us What 2050 Could Be Like—Their Answers Might Surprise

Climate news can seem dire with little hope for a better world. Talk to climate scientists, engineers and researchers, however, and they see a different future – a positive one that’s well within our reach. For Earth Day 2023, instead of imagining the worst, USA TODAY invites the reader to envision the best. Conversations with a dozen experts give a glimpse of what a time traveler from today might see as they experience life a generation from now in a United States that put its mind to solving climate change – no miracles or as-yet-uninvented technology needed. As climate futurist Alex Steffen says, “The big secret here is not how bad things are but how good they can get – if we move fast enough.” In the 1990s, engineering our way to a climate utopia and avoiding a dystopian climate future was difficult to imagine. According to Jonathan Foley, executive director of Project Drawdown, “It’s now a fair fight between the two – and we can build a much better world in the process.”

By Elizabeth Weise. USA TODAY. April 21, 2023.

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