New In-Person Climate Action Training this Fall

Kansas City has been chosen by the Pachamama Alliance to be one of the sites to pilot the Game Changer Action Training this fall. I will be moderating the participants through this course. This is an advanced course for people who are already making positive change, and want to have the skills to be even more successful in their efforts. Space is limited.

About this course:

The Game Changer Action Training (GCAT) will provide you with the tools and skills to be successful in any local community climate action. You will have the opportunity to gain a new resilience by deepening your connection to the Earth, and to gain a new confidence in building the relationships that are at the heart of social change. You will discover a pathway to bring justice to the front-line communities in your area through your work. You will leave with the power to be in action and stay in action to turn your passion into real change.

This is usually a $900 course, but as a pilot I can offer this training free to up to eight participants, with the understanding of giving detailed feedback on the course. Whether your efforts now are on climate solutions, social justice, legislative change or community building, I know this course will be a “game changer” for you.

The effectiveness of this training is shown by its results and supported by participant feedback, with 92% of the participants saying it deepened their engagement in their community and helped make connections that gave them momentum to help create climate justice solutions.

For more information or to register contact David Hakan at [email protected].