Deep Roots Results Hope and Inspiration

In our 2023 Annual Report

Learn about the ways Deep Roots engaged thousands of people around native plants. Deep Roots’ programs encourage nature in our outdoor spaces. Nature Advisor volunteers provide personalized native plant recommendations to residents.  Deep Roots’ Habitat Garden Tours and field trips share inspiration and build community. The Plan It Native conference and monthly webinars are a resource for gardeners and land managers alike. Through these programs, we will see more native plants planted this year. 

As spring warms to summer, native plants give us hope. Native plants inspire hope because they’re resilient. They’re regenerative. In a world that’s addressing climate change, they trap carbon. In a world that relies on pollinators, they support them. In a world that needs beauty, they bring us butterflies and songbirds.

Join us and support Deep Roots’ programs because What You Plant Matters. Together, we can bring nature home.
Thank you for making a difference through your support of Deep Roots. Thank you for choosing, and loving, native plants.