Around 25,000 people from 200 countries are descending on Madrid this week to attend the COP25 climate change conference. UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres said Sunday that the summit marks the “point of no return” in humanity’s fight against climate change. The Madrid meeting is the last gathering of the COP group before 2020, the year when the Paris agreement comes into effect. When nations signed the deal back in 2015, they agreed that global emissions of greenhouse gases must peak in 2020 at the latest, and then start coming down — or the world will face disastrous and irreversible damage. Under current scenarios, emissions will need to fall by 7.6% every year in the next decade. That will require most countries to up their commitments ahead of the next COP meeting in Glasgow next November.
By Ivana Kottasová, CNN. December 2, 2019.