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The Carbon Almanac

Now more than ever, we need established facts, a common understanding across generations, and collective action. The Carbon Almanac Network of podcasts, books, and resources believes it's not too late to solve climate change. It was created via a collaboration of hundreds of writers, researchers, thinkers, and illustrators. Rich with essays, graphs, cartoons, tables, and resources, the Almanac provides credible and authoritative information on carbon and its impact on the climate that is easy to access and share, and that people like us can understand. We believe that by educating people about climate change, we can generate the conversations needs to move things forward.

Our book was written by over 300 volunteers from over 90 countries and thousands of volunteers.

We have an excellent series of podcasts for kids and adults, a kid's book, tools such as Connecting the Dots, an Educator's Guide, and a photo book. Please check us out online and use our resources to generate conversations on climate change.