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Missouri Organic Recycling

Missouri Organic Recycling is a 30 year old Kansas City company owned by the Anderson family. We're the public-private partner with Kansas City, Missouri for yard and tree waste. We operate 4 satellite drop off locations, a bagging plant, a food waste/composting site and our main location at 7700 E. US 40 Hiway for yard waste collection and mulch processing. MOR provides approximately 100 good paying jobs to the local economy. Our positive climate impact is substantial in that we process 100,000 pounds of food waste per day, 6 days per week. We have about 300 commercial food waste collection customers from all over the metro. Our Tiger food waste depackager allows us to accept grocery store waste that has high levels of packaging and create a liquid food waste slurry that makes for great compost.

7700 East US 40 Highway Kansas City, MO 64129