Climate Crisis Weekly: ‘Coal Plants Make No Sense Economically’

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres probably feels like a broken record at times. On Thursday, he urged all countries, and particularly G20 nations, to ditch coal completely in an online climate conference hosted by Japan. Japan’s Environment Ministry has an initiative called the “Platform for Redesign 2020: Online Platform for Sustainable and Resilient Recovery from COVID-19.” Its website says it is “a hub that collates countries’ climate and other environmental policies and actions that are planned and implemented in the context of recovery from COVID-19.” Guterres urged Japan to stop financing construction of coal-fired power plants and pivot quickly to green energy. The country hasn’t given up its dirty habit because it closed its nuclear plants after the March 2011 earthquake caused a nuclear meltdown disaster.

By Michelle Lewis. Elektrek. September 5, 2020.

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