Chile/Madrid Climate Change Conference—COP25/December 10

The Chile/Madrid Climate Change Conference continued on Tuesday with the high-level segment and a few discussions convening on finance-related issues. The Conference shifted into a more political mode of work. Ministers started consultations on outstanding issues, including loss and damage, and Article 6 (market and non-market mechanisms). They also worked to raise the profile, and ambition, of the conference. As the high-level segment continued into the evening, one seasoned observer recalled the theme of this COP, “Time for action,” wondering if, with three days left, “will ministers be able to agree on an outcome by Friday, and will that outcome be able to demonstrate governments’ seriousness about taking action?”

By Jennifer Iris Allan, Beate Antonich, Jennifer Bansard, Bernard Soubry, and Mari Luomi, Earth Negotiations Bulletin/IISD Reporting Services. December 11, 2019.

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