Biden Administration Seeks A Climate Win Ahead Of Global Summit

Members of the Biden administration have made it clear that they wish to lead the world in the climate fight. The most notable platform for that effort is the United Nations Climate Change Conference, November 1-11 in Glasgow, Scotland. Signing climate provisions into law would boost that effort.  The White House is under pressure to pass two doctrine-defining pieces of legislation this week: A $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill and $3.5 trillion spending package, both of which would make major investments toward fighting the climate crisis.  On a global stage, the U.S. must set and achieve ambitious climate goals not just to maintain the U.S. standing as a superpower, but because America is historically the world’s top producer of fossil fuels. And after President Donald Trump pulled out of the Paris Agreement, the new administration carrying a legislative victory into the summit would help restore America’s climate cachet abroad.

By Cara Korte. CBS News. September 28, 20221.

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