Partnership with the Climate Council is a great way to promote your climate-related work. Not only does it amplify your voice and make you more effective, but it helps make our planet a happier, safer place. Plus, you get to be part of a dynamic climate-action community. It’s no fun being in a silo. We all work better when we support each other.
Partnership FAQ
The Climate Council is pleased to partner with:
- Groups established to address climate-related issues.
- Groups established for other purposes, but with climate-related program(s).
Climate Council partners receive:
- A Climate Directory listing.
- Promotion of partner's climate-related news & events.
- Invitations to participate in Climate Council events (festivals, podcasts, webinars, etc.)
All Climate Council partnerships last for one year. Your partnership begins when you publish your Climate Directory listing. And your partnership automatically ends when your Climate Directory listing expires. Renewing your Climate Directory listing extends your partnership for another year. Or you can terminate partnership anytime by deleting your Climate Directory listing.
A Climate Directory listing provides the public with general information about your group’s ongoing climate-related services and any combination of address, email, phone and/or social media sites so they can learn more and contact you. Your listing includes a variety of searchable categories and tags.
You just log into your Climate Council online account and post your news & events. You get two postings a month. Your postings are automatically:
- Published online.
- Distributed to subscribers in the Council’s weekly Climate Digest newsletter.
- Cross-posted to the Council’s social media platforms.
The Climate Council produces two climate festivals each year:
- The Greater Kansas City Earth Festival is on the April weekend nearest Earth Day (April 22nd).
- The KC Fall Climate Festival is on the third weekend of October.
You’ll be invited to participate in these festival by:
- Tabling at partner events.
- Hosting a free live event (open house, fair, workshop, etc).
- Presenting online in Council-produced webinars.
The Climate Council also works with partners to produce a variety of webinars and podcasts throughout the year.
Sure! If you want to post more than two items a month, just have people subscribe to the Climate Digest. When people subscribe, we ask them, “How did you hear about us?” Every time a subscriber says they heard about the Council from you, you’ll get an extra posting credit. Just send a note to your customers/subscribers/followers and ask them to subscribe to the Climate Digest. You’ll have all the postings you ever need. Extra posting credits expire on your annual renewal date, but it’s super easy to invite more subscribers next year.
The cost of an annual Climate Directory listing is:
- $24 for IRS recognized nonprofits. That’s two dollars a month.
- $48 for all other groups. That’s just four dollars a month.
The cost to participate in a Climate Council festival event is:
- $25 for IRS recognized nonprofits.
- $35 for all other groups.
Everything else is free!
Absolutely! The Climate Council was formed to promote collaborative climate work and will waive the fees for any partner that helps promote our other partners.
- Your annual Climate Directory listing fee will be waived if you publish the Council’s logo & web link (URL) on your website.
- Your festival event fee will be waived if you
- Publish the festival’s logo & web link (URL) on your website
- Send TWO emails promoting the festival to your customerssubscribersfollowers.
You betcha! Good grammar and spelling. And great SEO (search engine optimization) is always appreciated. Also, all submissions must align with the Climate Council’s mission and cannot sell or otherwise solicit payment for services, products or tickets. Guidelines apply to all posts, the Climate Directory and festival event listings.
Tell the Council about your group by filling out the Partnership Request form HERE. Once you’re accepted, you’ll receive instructions to submit your Climate Directory listing. That’s it.