Farm Bill Support Campaign – MO Coalition For The Environment

MCE is gearing up our federal Farm Bill advocacy and working diligently to ensure that the biggest piece of legislation impacting our food system supports Missouri farmers and their practices, positively influences what is on the grocery store shelves, and protects against climate change. 
Our team has identified 7 priority measures to advance related to local food systems and needs your help over the next four weeks spreading the word via social media and calling your elected officials (see list here) asking them to support local farmers by co-sponsoring the bills referenced below:

  1. Climate Change: Agriculture Resilience Act (H.R. 1840 & S. 1016)
  2. Local Food Systems: Local Farms & Food Act (H.R. 2723)
  3. Local Food Systems: Strengthening Local Processing Act (H.R. 945 & S. 354)
  4. Local Food Systems: Farmers Market & Food Bank Local Revitalization Act (H.R. 2378)
  5. Reform for Equity: Justice for Black Farmers Act (S. 96)
  6. Reform for Equity: Crop Insurance Reform
  7. Reform for Equity: Credit Reform

For more information on how you can support MCE’s efforts go to this website