The Missouri Coalition for the Environment (MCE) is keeping a close eye on various bills and has outlined priority bills you need to know about. You can view all Missouri priority bills on our bill tracker here. You can also sign up for a weekly email to inform you of the status of the bills we are tracking along with how you can support them.
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We have sorted the bills we are tracking by those we support and those we oppose.
In each tracker, we have color coded the various topics MCE tracks and have also indicated with tags if a bill is a high priority or a moderate priority for MCE. We will continue to send weekly e-alerts on high and moderate priority bills. Sign up here.
We will add our call-to-action language as we write it. Note: The inclusion of call-to-action language today does not mean it is time to take that action. We simply want to inform you of the reasoning of our position on these bills. Only when a bill has a hearing, should you call or write committee members, and our e-alerts as well as the trackers below will alert you when a priority bill has a hearing.